Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Teaching Tuesdays-Punctuation Matters!


These OWL resources will help you with punctuation, such as using commas, quotation marks, apostrophes, and hyphens.

When speaking, we can pause or change the tone of our voices to indicate emphasis. When writing, we must use punctuation to indicate these places of emphasis. This resource should help to clarify when and how to use various marks of punctuation.
Sentence Punctuation Patterns

This handout describes eight sentence punctuation patterns with examples.
Independent and Dependent Clauses

This handout defines dependent and independent clauses and explores how they are treated in standard usage.
Conquering the Comma

This presentation is designed to acquaint your students with the rules of comma usage, including placement in compound sentences, after introductory elements, with dependent phrases and clauses, around nonessential elements, in a series, and with adjectives. This presentation will also cover methods for avoiding a common comma error—the comma splice. The thirty-one slide presentation included here is designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of comma usage. This presentation is ideal for the beginning of a composition course, the assignment of a writing project, or as a refresher presentation for grammar usage.

This resource offers a number of pages about comma use.

This handout provides rules and examples for apostrophe usage.

A comprehensive rundown on the proper use of the hyphen.
Quotation Marks
A rundown of the general rules of when and where to use quotation marks.

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